SHOP: If you see a photo anywhere on the site that you would like to buy, please let me know through the CONTACT page and I will make it available in the shop as a mounted print.
Below are some of the pictures currently available for sale.
Whether you are buying or not, I hope you enjoy the photos. If you spot any incorrect identifications or other errors please do let me know via the email address in CONTACT.
Richard Paul Winston CPAGB AFIAP
Wildlife Photography
My interest in wildlife photography began as an aid to bird watching. I wanted something to refer to in identifying birds I had seen. Rapidly the quality of the photographs became paramount, resulting in an investment in better photographic equipment and a desire to share my pictures with others. During the past fifteen years or so I have been lucky enough to visit many countries and to enjoy not just the local birds, but other wildlife too. This site showcases some of my work.
Choose BIRDS if you just want to browse the bird species. These are grouped in Families (according to the International Ornithologists' Convention) with each photo showing common and Latin name and where and when the photo was taken.
Please also browse the other wildlife categories in the menu.
Other Photography
Although my main photographic interest remains with wildlife, I have now added more categories including MONOCHROME, CREATIVE and LANDSCAPE photography.
Please note that mounted photos for sale from the SHOP are high resolution prints. Photos in the rest of the site are low-resolution copies.